Get ready for CHS's fourth year hosting the annual FTC Flashback Scrimmage! Hear about it straight from NJ FTC: Hello Teams …
Welcome to the first day of Spring! The snow is melting, the clock have been turned back and it’s staying light out later. Know that means? … ... For NJ FTC, that means it’s time for the post-season to begin!! Those not going to the Super Regional, we sure hope that your robot is still functional. We are looking for teams to join us at Montgomery Township HS on May 17th for the 8th Annual “Monty Madness” Extreme Game. Come on out and play normal “Block Party” in the morning and then a surprise twisted-version in the afternoon! You need to strategize quickly to deal with the extra scoring options and bonus opportunities that will be thrown at you in the afternoon’s “Extreme Block Party” Game. We are also looking for teams to join us at Chatham HS on May 31st for the 4th Annual “Flashback Scrimmage”. This is the competition that uses this year’s robot to play a hybrid Game with game elements from 3-4 years in the past. (Minor adaptation of your bot is allowed, but you can have a blast without any mods too.) In the past, we’ve flashed back to the 70’s, the Old West, and Caveman Days. Where are we going this year? The Game, venue and participants will be outfitted to flashback to … Argh! Guess you’ll just have to apply to find out! Send a note to NJFTC if interested in either event. Teams not participating in the Super Regional Teams get first dibs, then other NJ Teams, and non-NJ Teams. Let’s fill up these events!